
Track updates, improvements, and new features in Resume Hack. We regularly enhance our resume builder to help you create the most effective resumes.


Multi-Page Resume Support


  • Your resume can now flow to multiple pages when needed
  • Choose from different paper sizes: US Letter, A4, or Legal
  • Adjust margins to fit more on each page
  • See exactly how your printed resume will look with page numbers


✨ New Added support for multi-page resumes that automatically flow to new pages
✨ New Added paper size options (US Letter, A4, and Legal)
✨ New Added margin controls (narrow, normal, and wide)
✨ New Added page numbers for multi-page resumes
⬆️ Improved Resume preview now shows exactly how printed pages will look
⬆️ Improved Smart page breaks that don't cut sections in awkward places
⬆️ Improved Added debug mode to see page margins
⬆️ Improved Made long resumes easier to work with

Click-to-Edit Resume Templates


  • Now you can click directly on your resume to change text
  • Added three simple resume designs to choose from
  • Save different versions of your resume for different jobs
  • Easy buttons to save your resume as PDF or Word


✨ New Added click-to-edit resume that updates as you type
✨ New Created three resume designs: Simple, Modern, and Clean
✨ New Added buttons to switch between different designs
✨ New Now you can save different versions of your resume
✨ New Added a way to upload existing resumes
✨ New Added buttons to save your resume as PDF or Word
⬆️ Improved Made editing easier - just click and type
⬆️ Improved Made all buttons and controls easy to find

Made Resume Upload Easy!


  • We only use PDF files to keep things simple
  • The page takes you right to the Resume Builder when finished


⬆️ Improved Now we only use PDF files for uploads
⬆️ Improved The page takes you straight to the Resume Builder when finished

Added Update History Page


  • Created a new page that shows all updates to Resume Hack
  • Made it easy to see what's changed with each update
  • Added a popup that shows you what's new when we update the site
  • Included helpful links to find the update history from any page


✨ New Added a new 'What's Changed' page that keeps track of all updates
✨ New Organized updates by version number and date for easy reference
✨ New Created a system to notify you about new features when we update the site
✨ New Added a helpful popup that shows the most important new features after updates
⬆️ Improved Added a link to the update history in the footer of every page
⬆️ Improved Made the update page easy to find in search engines when looking for recent changes

Initial Release of Resume Hack


  • Launched Resume Hack with a clean, modern design
  • Added the ability to create and customize your resume
  • Included expert tips to help you write better resumes
  • Added a blog with helpful job-seeking advice


✨ New Created a user-friendly resume builder tool that works right in your browser
✨ New Implemented resume templates designed to pass applicant tracking systems (ATS)
✨ New Added the ability to save your resume data in your browser for privacy
✨ New Launched with helpful blog articles about resume writing and job searching
✨ New Created a quiz to help users evaluate the strength of their current resume
⬆️ Improved Optimized the site to work well on mobile phones and tablets
⬆️ Improved Ensured all features work without requiring account creation

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